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Well-known types

pure_protobuf.well_known module provides message definitions for some well-known types.


Since pure-protobuf is not able to download or parse .proto definitions, it provides a limited implementation of the Any message type. That is, you still have to conventionally define message classes and make them importable (similarly to the pickle behaviour):
from urllib.parse import urlunparse

from pure_protobuf.well_known import Any_

# The class must be importable:
from tests.test_well_known import ChildMessage
# @dataclass
# class ChildMessage(BaseMessage):
#     foo: Annotated[int, Field(1)]

child = ChildMessage(foo=42)
any_ = Any_.from_message(child)
assert urlunparse(any_.type_url) == "import://tests.test_well_known/ChildMessage"
assert any_.into_message() == child

Type URL format

Please, consider the URL format a part of the public API. This means, in particular, that future major version bumps may change the format in a backwards-incompatible way.


Implements the Timestamp well-known type and supports conversion from and to datetime.

from_datetime classmethod

from_datetime(value: datetime) -> Timestamp

Convert the datetime to Timestamp.


into_datetime() -> datetime

Convert to datetime.


Implements the Duration well-known type.

from_timedelta classmethod

from_timedelta(value: timedelta) -> Duration

Convert the timedelta into Duration.


into_timedelta() -> timedelta

Convert into timedelta.